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The 1st Discover Vale Tourism Seminar seeks to develop the tourism business sector and disseminate information to agents and service providers in the field, such as: Hotels, Inns, Restaurants, Tourist Attractions, Artisans, Guides, Agencies, Museums, etc. . ACIT decided to propose this strategy to promote the tourist destination of Taubaté, promoting discussion on the subject and in general for the city's economy, employment and income generation for the various business sectors. Realization: ACIT – Commercial and Industrial Association of Taubaté | Sponsorship: SICREDI and SIMEPE | Institutional Support: Taubaté City Hall, CONTUR and APRECESP - Association of City Halls of Resort Cities in the State of SP | Support: SEBRAE and Band Vale. 1st Theme: São Paulo Tourism: "One State - 70 Tourist Destinations". Speaker: Márcia Azeredo - Institutional Relations Manager at APRECESP - Association of City Halls of Resort Cities in the State of SP. 2nd Theme: “Increasing Tourism, based on Culture-Identity and Heritage”. Speaker: Marcos Marsulo - Historian and Accredited Tourism Guide. 3rd Theme: Success case: “Panorama of Jundiaí Tourism”. Speaker: Marcela Moro - Jundiaí Tourism Department. Bachelor in Tourism and Master in Communication. Technical consultant in the tourism sector. 4th Theme: Success case – “Socorro's experience with tourism for local development”. Speaker: José Fernandes Franco - General Director of Rede dos Sonhos Hotéis Fazenda. 5th Theme: “Leisure and Tourism in a Time of Recovery Challenges”. Speaker: Toni Sando - 1st Vice-President of Latin America and El Caribe Convention & Visitors Bureau. 28th of September | 8:30 am to 12:30 pm Location: Monarka Hall - Av. Santa Cruz do Areão, 1408 - Vila Areão, Taubaté ?? Investment: R$50.00 (Members) and R$70.00 (Non-Members) (Coffee Break and Lunch included) Networking moment between participants in the Hospitality and Tourism area of Vale do Paraíba.

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